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est Days Ahead.com English
  • at the end of one's rope 快撑不住了
    I have three finals coming up. I am at the end of my rope!

  • hang in there 顶住
    We will have dinner in an hour, so just hang in there.

  • face the music 面对不愉快的现实
    Don't try to avoid the problem, you have to face the music eventually.

  • curiosity killed the cat 好事会惹事上身
  • pop the question 求婚
    Bill is finally going to pop the question tonight.

  • get on someone's nerves 招人烦
    She's starting to get on my nerves.

  • at the top of one's lungs 尖叫, 大喊大叫
    When my girlfriend saw the attacker, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

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